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Showing category "Managing Paperwork" (Show all posts)

Tips for Writing a Formal Letter

Posted by K Clark on Tuesday, May 10, 2016, In : Managing Paperwork 
There are a number of occasions where you may need to make formal contact with someone by writing.  You may be applying for a job, making a complaint, replying to a formal letter or requesting additional information or clarity on an issue. Below is a guide on how you can structure your letter.

Additionally aim to keep the language in your letter clear and objective.  Avoid making personal remarks or judgements.  If you do need to share how an experience left you feeling own those views using f...

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Top Tips for Filling in Forms

Posted by K Clark on Tuesday, August 12, 2014, In : Managing Paperwork 

Our ability to complete forms can have an enormous impact on our ability to access education, employment and financial assistance.  Below are some tips to help you in completing any paperwork that comes your way.

1. Time
Give yourself a good chunk of time to complete any paperwork.  With daunting forms it's tempting to leave it till the last minute but this will just cause further stress and anxiety.  If the form is large with a number of pages, break the task of completing it into manageable c...

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Tips For Organising Paperwork

Posted by K Clark on Monday, May 26, 2014, In : Managing Paperwork 
1. Use Trays to Organise Incoming Post
You can pick up office stationery very reasonably from discount shops so buy yourself one tray for each member of the household.  Label them and put them somewhere visible and convenient.  Make sure every item of incoming post gets allocated to one tray.  If it's not addressed to a member your household then the chances are it's either been delivered in error or it's junk mail.  If you suspect it's been delivered in error, write 'not at this address' and ...

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About Me

Katherine Clark I am experienced mental health worker with 15 years experience working with young people and adults with enduring mental health needs. I have set up this blog to share some of the tips and skills I have learnt along the way. If you have any suggestions or particular questions you would like me to answer feel free to email me at [email protected]

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