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Building Resilience in 6 Steps

January 3, 2019


6 Tips for Staying Well in a Heatwave

July 9, 2018
With the temperatures soaring across the UK, it's important for those who live with ongoing health issues to take extra care. Below are some simple suggestions for helping you to achieve this.

For up to date weather information and forecasts check the Met Office website.  There is also useful advice on coping with a heatwave on NHS Choices.  

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Mental Health Awareness Week 2018: Stress - Are We Coping?

May 18, 2018

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Mental Health Awareness Week 2017: Surviving or Thriving

May 9, 2017

The theme for this years Mental Health Awareness Week centres around the theme of surviving or thriving.  To me, I view this concept as the difference between having just enough or the bare minimum to stay alive and creating the best conditions for life and being able to flourish.

In mental health these are powerful concepts as illnesses, such as depression and schizophrenia, can rob the individual of the motivation to live the best life they can and many function at a level where they are jus...

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Six Steps to Maintaining Mental Wellbeing During the Winter Months

November 1, 2016
As the seasons change and we move towards winter many people can struggle with their mood and motivation. This is in part due to changes in light levels and intensity.  Also many find the run up to Christmas stressful and we are often more prone to winter bugs like flu.  This is why it is important to make an extra effort to be kind to yourself and take extra care of your mental and physical wellbeing.

1. Sunlight & light therapy
During the winter months the days will shorten in the lead up t...

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World Mental Health Day 2016: Emotional and Psychological First Aid

October 10, 2016
Each year the  events for World Mental Health Day are focused around a different theme.  This year the theme is of Psychological First Aid (PFA) and hopes to raise awareness of the value of emotional and psychological supportive interventions during a traumatic event, such as a natural disaster or serious incident.  The aim of this approach was to reduce the impact of these events and therefore reduce the chances of people developing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).  

The thinking behind...

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Healthy Morning Routines for Good Mental Health

June 2, 2016
Many people who experience issues with their mental health find morning times difficult.  This could be due to medication side effects, low mood or anxiety or a general lack of energy and motivation. Below are some ideas to help you to improve your morning times and establish healthier habits.

The foundations to getting a morning of to a good start are laid down in your night routine.  Getting to bed and asleep by a reasonable hour (ideally before midnight) will help to give you the energy yo...

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Seven Self Care Essentials For When You're Feeling Depressed

May 26, 2016
According to the Royal College of Psychiatrists, as many as 1 in 5 of us will experience depression during our lifetime.  Depression, in the medical sense, is not just feeling a bit low or sad from time to time.  This is very normal and we all experience some fluctuations in our moods over time. Depression is a condition where the person will experience persistent low mood over a period of time, for some it may be months or even years.

They may notice changes to their appetite, and consequenti...

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Five Quick Strategies That Can Help You Manage Exam Anxiety

May 19, 2016
As we approach the summer months many students will be preparing for exams.  Exams can be a source of great anxiety so learning to manage your anxiety in an exam situation will help you to perform your best. Below are some tips you can practice to help you manage exam nerves.

1. Breathing exercises
When you feel your anxiety levels rising take a few moments out to refocus on your breathing.  Place your hand on your tummy as this can help you feel more connected with your breath.  Inhale through...

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Tips for Writing a Formal Letter

May 10, 2016
There are a number of occasions where you may need to make formal contact with someone by writing.  You may be applying for a job, making a complaint, replying to a formal letter or requesting additional information or clarity on an issue. Below is a guide on how you can structure your letter.

Additionally aim to keep the language in your letter clear and objective.  Avoid making personal remarks or judgements.  If you do need to share how an experience left you feeling own those views using f...

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About Me

Katherine Clark I am experienced mental health worker with 15 years experience working with young people and adults with enduring mental health needs. I have set up this blog to share some of the tips and skills I have learnt along the way. If you have any suggestions or particular questions you would like me to answer feel free to email me at [email protected]

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