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Showing Tag: ""mental health"" (Show all posts)

Returning to Work After a Period of Mental Ill Health

Posted by K Clark on Tuesday, March 29, 2016, In : Self Confidence 

According to the Office of Statistics common mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, and stress related illness have become some of the top causes of long term sickness.  
 The term 'stress related illness' is often used to describe issues such as burnout, exhaustion, depression and anxiety.  Taking time out from work can provide some respite but this can then lead to anxieties around returning to work. Below are some suggestions on managing the return to work after a spell of me...

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How to Survive a Blip in Your Mental Health

Posted by K Clark on Monday, July 13, 2015, In : Managing Stress 
Mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety and schizophrenia, can fluctuate over time.  Sometimes you will feel well and like you are managing your mental health really well and at other times things will seem to be going less well.  Some dips in wellbeing are very normal so learning strategies to help you through these times will help to reduce the risk of these tough spells progressing into full relapses.

Everybody living with a mental health condition will have a unique experienc...

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5 More Apps to Help Manage Your Mental Health

Posted by K Clark on Sunday, June 21, 2015, In : Managing Stress 
Following on from an earlier blog post where I reviewed some apps that can help you to manage your mental health, I thought it would be helpful to share some more.

Buddhify is one of the best mindfulness apps I have come across.  It has over 80 different guided mindfulness exercises which are broken down in to categories based on your need and environment.  Some are more introspective while others make use of the sights and sounds from your present environment.  Most of the guided e...

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Depression Awareness Week 2015: The Benefits of Using Mood Diaries

Posted by K Clark on Tuesday, April 21, 2015, In : Asking for Help 
As it is Depression Awareness Week I thought it may be helpful to share some tips on how mood diaries can be used and how they can help to monitor and manage a mental health condition such as depression. 

What are Mood Diaries?
Mood diaries are a form of record or log of your mood throughout the day over a period of time.  They can be kept over a short period of just a week or two or as an ongoing tool for for monitoring a longer term condition.  Mood diaries can be kept in a variety of format...

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Time to Talk Day

Posted by K Clark on Thursday, February 5, 2015, In : Asking for Help 
Today is Time to Talk Day, a campaign run by the Time to Change mental health charity.  It's aim is to break down some of the stigma that surrounds mental illness and get people talking about their own mental health and asking friends how their mental health is.  There is an odd taboo that surrounds mental illness where people feel an anxiety that if they talk about their own mental health this will make them vulnerable and those around them will judge them harshly and won't understand. 

The ...

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Five Apps for Positive Mental Health

Posted by K Clark on Monday, February 2, 2015, In : Managing Stress 
Following on from a blog post last year reviewing apps that can help you to improve your life skills, I thought I would share 5 apps that I have come across that aim to help with the management of mental health and wellbeing. 

This is a mental health monitoring app and is excellent for anyone looking to develop a greater insight into their own mental health.  It allows you to keep track of symptoms, staying well strategies, triggers and symptoms with the option of also adding diary...

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Five Apps to Help You with Your Life Skills

Posted by K Clark on Thursday, October 30, 2014, In : Managing Money 
Below are five of the apps that caught my eye that I think prove excellent value for money and can help you to improve your life skills.  

If you are sensitive about bad language then be warned, the world 'filth' is frequently substituted with another word beginning with the letter 'f'.  That said, this is an excellent app for assisting you in getting on top of housework, decluttering and generally getting your home more organised and tidy.  Its straightforward language mak...

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World Mental Health Day 2014: Living With Schizophrenia

Posted by K Clark on Thursday, October 9, 2014, In : Asking for Help 

According to the Mental Health Foundation, Schizophrenia effects around 26 million people worldwide.  Schizophrenia is a condition that attracts a lot of confusion, fear and misunderstanding.  This years focus for World Mental Health Day is "Living with Schizophrenia" and the aim is to raise awareness of the condition and the people who live with this diagnosis.

Schizophrenia falls into the group of mental health conditions known as psychotic conditions.  This means that sufferers will usuall...

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Five Tips for Managing Anxiety & Anxiety Attacks

Posted by K Clark on Tuesday, July 22, 2014, In : Managing Stress 

According to the charity, Anxiety UK, anxiety affects one in six adults living in the UK. Anxiety is the term used to describe the physical and emotional sensation of fear or nervousness. You will be more prone to it's effects at times of stress, during and after a traumatic experience or when you are in a situation that scares you or makes you fear for your safety.  

Some of the main symptoms include shortness of breath, palpitations, upset stomach, dry mouth, sweaty palms and tense musc...

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Preparing for Stress and Mental Unwellness

Posted by K Clark on Sunday, July 13, 2014, In : Managing Stress 

If you are someone who has a lower threshold for stress or you suffer with an on-going mental health issue then making a plan for how you will cope with difficult periods could help a great deal.  Below are a few suggestions of ideas that may help you if you know you are approaching a stressful time or event.

1.  Develop Your Support Network
Build friendships with people who you can be honest about your feelings with.  Look for people who can listen and who will respect your wishes and allow yo...

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Staying Mentally Well

Posted by K Clark on Saturday, May 10, 2014, In : Asking for Help 
It is Mental Health Awareness Week from 12th - 18th May 2014 so I thought it may be helpful to share some ways in which you or a loved one can stay well. 

1. Social Activity
Doing something that gets you into contact with people every week can be vital for staying mentally well.  We are all different and require different levels of social contact but doing something with others can be an important way of reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation. The activity...

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About Me

Katherine Clark I am experienced mental health worker with 15 years experience working with young people and adults with enduring mental health needs. I have set up this blog to share some of the tips and skills I have learnt along the way. If you have any suggestions or particular questions you would like me to answer feel free to email me at [email protected]

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