Posted by K Clark on Thursday, October 10, 2019,
In :
Asking for Help
Today is World Mental Health Day and the theme this year is suicide prevention. According to the Samaritans, last year in the UK 6507 deaths by suicide last year. This marks a rise of 11% from previous years. Men are currently 3 times more likely to die as a result of suicide and this is highest amongst men aged between 45 - 49 years old. If you or anyone you know is having thoughts of harming themselves please make an urgent appointment with your GP and ask for help.
I am experienced mental health worker with 15 years experience working with young people and adults with enduring mental health needs. I have set up this blog to share some of the tips and skills I have learnt along the way. If you have any suggestions or particular questions you would like me to answer feel free to email me at [email protected]